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@ben I am the bot. Ping me and I’ll get back to you in six to eight business days.

gbear605 boosted
gbear605 boosted

Python: better typed than you think

It amazes me that once I thought about writing a `Result` type in Python, but I never thought about using `yield` for that (which is what the author did.)

gbear605 boosted

Art project idea:
"Gendered" bathrooms with e-paper signs that change to different arbitrary symbols every day.

Symbol pairs will be chosen so that each day most people will manage to fit in but each day someone else would actually prefer a third/forth/fifth option.

Examples: Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Apples vs. Bananas, Vim vs. Emacs, Triangles vs. Squares, Coffee vs. Tea, …
you get the idea…

@velexiraptor in part it was that my class was extraordinarily nice. Some of my teachers said that we were the kindest class they’d had in thirty years of teaching. So it was really an amazing degree of luck (and privilege)

@velexiraptor it’s hard to believe, but some high schools really are better. Source: am a college student who enjoyed their time in high school

Food + 

@Pixley thanks so much! I might be making this tomorrow night

Food + 

@Pixley Do you have a recipe or did you make it by instinct? That looks sooo good

gbear605 boosted

Dwarf Fortress has announced that they are working on adding trans dwarves, and they'd have added then already of he hadn't overcomplicated his thinking.

.... last time when he added gay dwarves he rewrote a large chuck of the personality system so that gay, lesbian, ace and bi dwarves would all arise naturally from the system, so that kinda makes sense.



gbear605 boosted

Armok is a unique combat class with only two abilities:

create entire universe
destroy entire universe

The player in Dwarf Fortress plays as Armok.

gbear605 boosted

concept: "gender rehearsal" parties where you can go for an hour or two and try out being a different gender. no commitment or anything, just a good space for answering the question "what would it be like if i was a dude" etc

gbear605 boosted

love figuring out that you can read theorists and agree with some of their takes and vehemently disagree with others, and that that's not contradictory

gbear605 boosted

why is being a person so hard maybe I wanted to be a duck nobody asked me

gbear605 boosted

@Are0h "Shouldn't be political" is just code for "should be white". They know exactly what they're doing. It was political to suspend a player for saying "Free Hong Kong" to a human-rights abusing government. It was political to make video games using the labor value extraction in capitalism. It was political for them to have the power to sway an audience to their side about it all.

They make millions from their deals with Chinese corps and are terrified to let Hong Kong be a thing on their platform. I'd like to point out the white boy they suspended for using the f-slur got a shorter suspension and they took more time to "investigate" and "deliberate" the matter; also the announcers in his case weren't also immediately banned for simply being near him.

@melissasage Putting pronouns in article infoboxes would be an amazing change too though.

@melissasage Unfortunately, the problem with Wendy Carlos' picture isn't their grognard status (although that's an issue too, given the dead name in the first sentence of the article), but US and international copyright laws. We need a reform of both.

Hmm, not sure who needs to fix their software, but Mastodon push notifications (Toot! iOS app and Firefox on MacOS) and the notification on the Notifications screen in Toot! are minorly bugged. The notification I got for a person with a Hebrew name (ie. written right to left) following me were phrased as "followed you רבֿקה". I know Unicode is hard, but this kind of thing is still important. @tootapp

gbear605 boosted
gbear605 boosted

thinking about the academie francaise declaring that gender neutral language is putting french in "mortal peril". your fucking right!!

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@fluttergirly let’s go wasn’t a main line game, so it didn’t count. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon didn’t have all the pokemon either, but no one particularly cared about that either.

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