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gbear605 boosted


Bring house gods and spirits back
Build a small shrine some place you see all the time
Fill it with things you enjoy looking at, things you want to attract in life
Offer smoke and incense
Does it work?
Does it matter?
A corner of your home is beautiful for nothing but belief and aesthetic appreciation
Good spirits live there, no matter what anyone says
And you made them yourself

gbear605 boosted

hi everyone, just wanted to show you this pixelart galaxy I just made

gbear605 boosted

yes i have executive dysfunction. but did you know i also have legislative and judicial dysfunction

gbear605 boosted

New in iOS 13.2: A gender-neutral option for nearly all human emojis!

gbear605 boosted
gbear605 boosted

Got my flu shot today. Don't forget to get yours, too.

gbear605 boosted

God, twirling around, showing off Their first marsupial: do you like it?

choir of angels: oooh, cute mammal!

God: thanks!
God: it has pockets :3

gbear605 boosted
gbear605 boosted

Yes, it will be tremendously expensive to apply heavy trade sactions to China. But it was also tremendously expensive to liberate the slaves from the US south. Money never excuses moral failure.

gbear605 boosted
gbear605 boosted

thinking about going back in time and telling child Maddie that in the future we find out that dinosaurs used to have feathers. i would also probably mention to her that she's a girl but i mostly want to see how she reacts to the feathers thing

gbear605 boosted

Weird how most "crimes against humanity" are crimes with a finite number of victims, but crimes like fossil fuel profiteering or the destruction of the rainforest, where humanity itself is the victim, aren't actually crimes at all

@sir do you see the blog as something that there is only one of per instance of (or only on or are you envisioning a where anyone can set up a blog?

gbear605 boosted

Look around. What's something beautiful near you right now?

@sir I’m a software developer who uses a Mac as their daily driver and has experience using Linux on the command line. I want to get a new laptop, but Macbooks are too expensive and Windows is gross, so I’m thinking of getting a laptop and installing Linux on it. Are there any guides you can recommend for getting started with GUI Linux/what distro would you recommend?

Greenwich Mean Time

The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!